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Texas Department of Public Safety Private Security Bureau

The Texas Department of Public Safety Private Security Bureau (PSB) regulates the private security industry in the state of Texas. State regulations for this industry include licensing private security companies and registering individuals employed by those licensed companies. The Private Security Bureau was created in 1969 as the Texas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies. In 1998, the Agency was renamed the Texas Commission on Private Security. The Private Security Bureau employs licensing and investigations staff internally at the TX DPS headquarters in Austin, TX, as well as field investigators located throughout the state. The Bureau's investigators, who are commissioned peace officers, investigate both criminal and administrative violations of the Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1702 and related administrative rules. The Private Security Bureau is associated with the Private Security Board which is a seven member board appointed by the governor.

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The Licensing Section

The licensing section handles original and renewal applications for Private Security companies and their employees. Private Security companies may apply for a license and private security employees may apply for a registration. It is important to note that individuals cannot independently apply for a Private Security Registration without being employed by a licensed Private Security company. The Licensing section staff is responsible for the receipt of applications; review of the application, fees and supplemental documentation; determination of eligibility based on TX Occupations Code, Chapter 1702; issuance or denial of Private Security Company licenses or Individual registrations.

The Investigation Section

The investigation section handles consumer complaints, alleged criminal activity and administrative violations. The Investigation staff consists of civilian employees and commissioned peace officers. The civilian Investigations section staff is responsible for: processing consumer complaints; reviewing all applicant criminal history background checks; acceptance, denial, revocation or suspension of licenses and registrations; setting hearings.

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